Located in Fountain Valley, CA
Serving Orange County and the Surrounding Areas 
(714) 964-0036


dental services

Amazing Dental Services

When you need dental services, Brian Lee, DDS, Inc. is the place for you to contact. We have 30 years of experience, and we'll use our knowledge to give you the best possible dental solution!

Here are some of our available dental services

3D Scanning

We routinely perform radiation-free 3D imaging of your teeth to maintain a record of the position and the layout of your teeth. This amazing new technology is helpful in determining if you are damaging your teeth from grinding, brushing too hard, or acid erosion. It can also replace some instances of traditional impression taking. So if you hate taking those messy, gooey impressions, you have to try our 3D scanner!

Teeth Whitening

We offer both Zoom Whitening and take-home custom whitening trays here at our office.
Zoom whitening is done here in our office, giving you a visibly whiter smile within about an hour and a half.
Custom whitening trays can be made for you to take home and whiten your teeth at your convenience

Inlays, Onlays, and Crowns

Sometimes, when a tooth has lost significant amounts of tooth structure, a filling will not be sufficient to serve as a long-lasting restoration. In such cases, an inlay, onlay, or a crown would be the appropriate restoration to restore and protect the integrity of the remaining tooth structure. These restorations can be made from gold, porcelain, zirconia, or composite resins.

Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, often times a dental implant is the most ideal option to replace them.

The foundation of an implant is a titanium-based cylinder that acts as the root of the tooth. The placement of the implant would be done by an oral surgeon or a periodontist. Once the implant has stabilized, we will make the final restoration, which could be a single crown or a bridge. Implants can also be used to support full or partial dentures.


A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin that covers the surface of your tooth. Mainly used to improve esthetics, veneers are a great solution to improve your tooth's shape and color for a better smile.

Root Canal Treatment

Often times when a cavity has been left unchecked for too long, bacteria and other pathogens can infect the nerve of a tooth, causing significant pain. Endodontic treatment, commonly known as a root canal treatment, cleans out infected nerve tissue and sterilizes the root canal space, ending the pain caused by the infection. However, endodontic therapy does weaken tooth structure, and as a result, a crown or an onlay will often be recommended for a tooth that has had a root canal treatment.

We perform root canals at a high standard of care, always utilizing a rubber dam (also known as a dental dam), and a microscope to treat your tooth. We also have an endodontist (root canal specialist) who can treat more difficult cases.

dental services
Emergency Services Available!
I have the worst teeth ever and I really have to thank Dr. Lee for working on my teeth! He’s been my dentist ever since I was little kid and I don’t think I’ll ever switch. His office is conveniently located right the 405 on Brookhurst near the Prehistoric Pets / reptile store. Easy to get to and there is always parking right in front of his office. Also, he takes a few Saturday appointments, so it’s really helpful for those work-obsessed-can’t-take-off-a-minute-of-work people.

-Candace C.

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